The firm's medical negligence practice is primarily handled by Nicholas Millar who seeks to specialise in such. He has acted for both defendants and plaintiffs / claimants and currently acts exclusively for plaintiffs / claimants.
He has experience across the range of severity including both cerebral palsy and quadriplegia as well as less serious cases. The types of claim he has dealt with are equally diverse but many have involved accident and emergency medicine, orthopaedics, obstetrics and gynaecology, oncology and laparoscopic surgery. He has an especial interest in obstetrics and has acted for several brain damaged babies including the obtaining of substantial settlements.
For individuals who may be eligible for Legal Aid, Littlewoods is pleased to assist in the preparation of an application for Legal Aid and, if it is successful, to handle the case looking only to Defendant or the Legal Aid Department for legal fees subject to the operation of the First Legal Charge which will be explained at the outset.